Plate Bender Function Reform for Shaped Steel Bending 卷板机用于型钢弯制加工的功能改造
The relationship between the curvature of ship hull plate formed and the feeding value of center roll of plate bender with three rolls 船体板成形后曲率与三辊弯板机中心辊进给量的关系
The research of pinch-type roll-bending process is needed for developing four-roll plate bender having more function and efficiency. 而开发有更多的功能和更高的生产效率的四辊轮连续弯板机需研究夹持型滚弯成形过程。
Improvement of the four-roll plate bender& overcoming a technical difficulty in shells manufacturing for 3200m~ 3 blast furnace of WISCO 四辊卷板机的技术改造&攻克武钢3200m~3高炉炉壳的加工制造技术难关
Modification of 19 × 2000mm clutch& type plate bender 19×200Omm离合器式卷板机的改造
Application of Structure of Bottom Rolls Adjustable Horizontally in Large Scale Three Rollers Plate Bender 水平下调式结构在大型三辊卷板机上的应用
An analysis of the cracking causes of work rolls and couplings for plate bender 对卷板机联轴节及工作辊断裂原因的分析
Use of Plate Bender's Movable Base 卷板机可挪动基础的使用
Calculation of the exerting force necessary to form the aircraft hull plate in the symmetry plate bender with three rolls and the feeding value of the centre roll 飞机蒙皮壁板三轴滚弯成型力及中心辊进给量的计算双脚步进式微型进给机构的研制